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Fix the two problems

Let's write a method that gets things right.

Write a new method called compareNames that takes two Strings as arguments and that returns an integer, -1 if the first name precedes the other in the alphabet, 1 if it succeeds the other, and 0 if the names are the same.
One of the things you will have to do is separate the name into firstName and lastName. You may assume that the name will contain only two words, separated by exactly one space. You can find the position of the space using indexOf, and extract the first and last names using substring.

Once you have the two names, you will want to convert them to lower case (or upper case) and then compare them. If the last names are the same, you will have to use the first names to make the decision. Make sure you test this part of your program by giving it two names with the same last name (maybe yours and a sibling's).

NOTE REGARDING THE READING: In the book, they write a method called compare that takes two Strings as arguments. This is different from the built-in method called compareTo that gets invoked on one String, and receives the second String as an argument.

Neither way of writing a method is necessarily better than the other, although there are tradeoffs that we will get to later. But for now you should be aware of the difference, and know how to invoke either one.

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Allen B. Downey