Introduction to Computational Science

Fall 2001, Monday-Thursday, 2:50-4pm

This class is an introduction to computer science intended to serve the needs of majors in the natural and social sciences, as well as other students interested in learning to program and studying the methods and ideas of computational science.

Computational science is an interdisciplinary field that involves the use of computers and mathematical models as experimental tools for scientific inquiry.

The programming language we will use is MATLAB, which is a general-purpose language with built-in tools for matrix computation and visualization. The principles of programming we will cover apply to all other programming languages.

No programming experience is required, but students should have basic computer skills. Calculus is required (Math 116 or Math 116Z or Math 120). Sophomore standing is required (or permission of the instructor). This class is an alternative to the other introductory computer science classes, cs110 and cs111.

Here is the catalog description:

cs249: Introduction to Computational Science

Computational science is the use of software tools as part of a scientific inquiry. It is a large and growing area in many sciences. This course includes an introduction to programming (using MATLAB), fundamental data structures and algorithms, and numerical methods. Programming examples are taken from a variety of natural and social sciences and may include: mechanics and other physical models, crystal growth and other chemical models, neuron models, bioinformatics, predator-prey models, queueing theory, discrete event simulation, economic models, and others.

Intro to Computer Science for Non-CS Majors

For more information, contact Allen B. Downey (adowney), Computer Science Department, E106 Science Center, x3318.