Will Millennials ever get married?

In the last few weeks I’ve been to the Netherlands and Chicago, and tomorrow I am off to Brazil.  But I spent most of this week in my office, enjoying the luxury of working on just one thing: a paper about survival analysis and marriage patterns in the U.S.  I just submitted it for review, so watch this space for more.

Here’s a picture of me outside my office, featuring covers from translations of my books:


Also this week I got a pleasant surprise in the mail, a signed copy of a new book by an old friend, Dror Feitelson: Workload Characterization for Computer Systems Performance Evaluation.  Here it is in its new home:


It looks like a valuable collection of topics that don’t usually appear together, but should.  It’s published by Cambridge University Press, and Dror also makes the PDF version available for free download.  A few parts of the book go all the way back to a paper Dror and I worked on together in 1999, “The Elusive Goal of Workload Characterization,” but it has come a long way since then!